I went to the doctor yesterday and they discovered that my unborn baby has a regular IRregualr heart beat. They can't do anything until after she is born. We hope that it was a fluke. They wanted us to go see a specialist but Ryan doesn't see the point considering they can't do anything until after the baby is born anyway. We are going to hold off on that for now. We need our tax return to come in so we can pay for all this Doctor stuff. Come on Tax Return!
On a happier note: This morning Haley had to take her blanket with her to breakfast. I normally can convince her otherwise but not this morning. I had all ready convinced her that she didn't need her two stuffed puppies so the blanket came along. The worst thing that could happen is that I have to wash her blanket. It probably needs to get washed again anyways. While she was eating her cereal she kept asking for ketchup. I told her that I wasn't going to give her ketchup. That sounds too gross! Then a little while later she took her blanket and dipped it in her cereal and sucked on the blanket. It was quite cute and funny all at the same time.